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A section of the Cicogna-Pogallo path is closed on August 4th and 5th

( Vogogna, 30 July 2020 )

Due to the fall of a rock along the path that connects Cicogna and Pogallo, that took place last week, we inform you that, on August 4th and 5th, the material invading the path will be removed and the slope where the detachment took place will be checked by an Alpine guide, along with the removal of any unstable rocks.

Therefore, the section of the concerned path will be closed, located beyond the Cadenesc waterfall and almost near Pogallo.

The closure will be monitored by workers throughout the intervention.

A section of the Cicogna-Pogallo path is closed on August 4th and 5th
A section of the Cicogna-Pogallo path is closed on August 4th and 5th
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