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Warning: Work in progress in the Park

Construction sites along Traversata Bassa (Low Crossing) of Val Grande and in the Ompio - Corte Buè – Cicogna area. Transit closure decrees issued.

( Vogogna, 17 August 2021 )


With the decision of the Director no. 117 dated 12.05.2021, this Authority has established the adjudication of the extraordinary maintenance works of the path In La Piana - L'Arca – Orfalecchio – P.te Velina that will start today, on Tuesday 17 August. The estimated duration of the works is 90 natural and consecutive days from the submission date.

Please note that this path, which has already been subject to previous decrees and hazard warnings, is particularly dangerous due to meteorological factors that may cause landslides and flood waves.

The municipalities of Cossogno and Trontano, which are responsible for the area, have issued specific orders for the closure of pedestrian traffic, in connection with these important works, and compliance with these orders is therefore recommended.



The area of Ponte Casletto - Corte Buè - Cicogna is also affected by works to repair the flood damage occurred on 2/3 October 2020. In particular, the paths affected by the interventions are:

P07b - Alpe Ompio – Corte Buè

P07 - Corte Buè – Cappelletta Or Vergugn

P07d - Alpe Ompio – Alpe Basseno

P09 - Cascè – Ponte di Velina

P00 - Ponte Casletto – Cicogna

At the moment, no closure decrees have been issued, but we recommend the utmost caution when crossing the construction site areas.

Thank you for your attention and enjoy your summer.


Velina Bridge (photo by Giancarlo Parazzoli, PNVG Archive)
Velina Bridge (photo by Giancarlo Parazzoli, PNVG Archive)
Casletto Bridge (photo by Valentina Baldin, PNVG Archive)
Casletto Bridge (photo by Valentina Baldin, PNVG Archive)
Bettina Alp (photo by PNVG Archive)
Bettina Alp (photo by PNVG Archive)
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