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Wildlife management after the expansion of the Val Grande National Park

Following the recent expansion of the protected area, the Val Grande National Park Authority considers it appropriate to communicate important news on fishing activities and wild boar management in the new territories

( Vogogna, 19 April 2024 )

Some articles have been published about fishing, which might have led people to believe that this activity, in the Toce stretches, could be carried out in the same way as before the expansion: this is not the case. One of the main aims of the Val Grande National Park is to preserve biodiversity, and this also applies to the management of its waters.

Currently, to go fishing on part of the River, you only need to have a Fipsas membership card, without the need to pay for a Park membership card. However, this does not mean that the fishing methods recently approved in the new regulations should not be applied.

Therefore, it is recommended that people who are qualified to practice fishing comply with the Park regulations, attached to this page.

Still in the field of wildlife management, the Val Grande National Park announces its collaboration with the Verbano Cusio Ossola province for the control of wild boar in its  territory.

Wildlife management after the expansion of the Val Grande National Park
Wildlife management after the expansion of the Val Grande National Park
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