Mammiferi in punta di piedi
Presenza e gestione degli ungulati del Parco Nazionale Val Grande
The present volume collects an important research work on ungulates carried out in the Park's territory between 2005 and 2007 by the Theoretical and Applied Science Department - Analysis and Management of the Environmental Resources Unit - of the University of Insubria di Varese and continued over the years thanks to the Park's staff, together with the State Forestry Corps through its Territorial Coordination for the Environment now led by Andrea Baldi.
The studies were conducted under the scientific supervision of Guido Tosi and of Adrian Martinoli, and edited by Eugenio Carlini, Barbara Chiarenzi, Damiano Preantoni, Wilma Tosi, Monica Carro with the institutional support of Massimo Mattioli and Cristina Movalli, and the collaboration of Chiara de Franceschi and Elisa Babbini.
The data useful for the graphic and cartographic editing of this volume were mainly collected by the staff of the Park's CFS-CTA, which periodically collects information on the ungulates according to specific protocol methodologies that, on the occasion of the annual chamois census, are supported by the staffs of the provincial CFS and of the CTA of many other national parks, by the Provincial Police, the Hunting Alpine Area, by some technicians and rangers from other protected areas, by the Park's official guides and other nature guides, as well as by many volunteers from all over Italy.
- Series: Collana Studi
- Author/s: AA.VV.
- Publisher: Parco Nazionale Val Grande
- ISBN: 9788897068037
- Pages: 128
- Size: 20x20 cm
- Year: 2014
- Price: 9.00 €