Atlante degli Uccelli nidificanti nel Parco Nazionale della Val Grande
The Atlas of nesting birds in the Val Grande National Park follows that of the Amphibians and Reptiles printed last year as part of the
Documenta series, responsible for the publication of materials and documents of analysis, studies and research carried out in the territory of Val Grande.
As it is in the substance of an atlas, this publication presents a systematic collection, along with a simultaneous spatial vision, of the avifauna of the National Park and the surrounding areas, as documented by specific research and monitoring in the field, aimed at investigating its ecological aspects and distribution, referring to a time span ranging from 2009 to 2018.
The ten-year work of ornithological research has made it possible to define the distribution of the species in the territory of the National Park and in some neighbouring areas affected by the process, currently in progress, of expansion of the protected area. This has made it possible to identify new cognitive references for a wider and more articulated territorial area in terms of the ecosystems involved and their geo-environmental significance of a vast area, namely that of the "Natura 2000" Network and that of the MAB Unesco Biosphere Reserve "Ticino Val Grande Verbano", which includes the extensive and complex catchment system of Lake Maggiore and the Ticino River, as a whole one of the most important natural areas of ecological connection between the Alps and the Apennines and between the Mediterranean Biome and the Continental Biome, as well as the corridor for the transalpine migrations of avifauna.
The work presented in this volume, as well as that of the other two atlases - that of the Amphibians and Reptiles and that of the Flora of the Park, scheduled for next year - is the result of the "Monitoring of Animal Biodiversity in the Environment Alpine" activity, carried out by the National Parks of the Alpine arc (Gran Paradiso, Val Grande, Stelvio and Dolomiti Bellunesi) within the scope of the Ministerial Directive "Biodiversity", Directive of the Ministry of the Environment aimed at strengthening the commitment of National Parks and Protected Marine Areas to deal with the decline of biodiversity in our country.
- Series: Documenta
- Author/s: Fabio Casale, Cristina Movalli
- Publisher: Parco Nazionale della Val Grande
- Pages: 424
- Size: 22x25,5 cm
- Year: 2020
- Price: 20.00 €