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Museums and Visitor Centers

At the moment there are four visitor centers, two museums, and one geological laboratory situated near the main access points of the Park. Each structure is characterized by a specific theme which considers some features of the Val Grande territory. These structures are open to the public during the summer (except the Geolab which is open on demand). They all provide information about the Park and about the ongoing activities.

For opening hours and further information, please contact the Park Offices, Ph. +39 0324 87540.

Buttogno Visitor Center
Santa Maria Maggiore (VB)
Castello Visconteo di Vogogna
Vogogna (VB)
Check opening times
Cicogna Information Center
Cossogno (VB)
Vogogna (VB)
Check opening times
Intragna Visitor Center
Intragna (VB)
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© 2025 - Ente Parco Nazionale Val Grande
Villa Biraghi, Piazza Pretorio, 6 - 28805 Vogogna (VB)
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