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The Park Nature Trails

The Nature Trails are itineraries developing across the Park natural environment and along easily accessible trails without difficulties. It is not necessary to be expert and trained hikers, it is enough to wear suitable clothes and have the will to discover nature with a careful and curious spirit. Along the route, you will find some illustrated panels which, with images and short texts, describe the features of the surrounding environment. The trails are completed with a guidebook you can use during the walk or at home. The guidebooks of the Nature Trails are available in the Park information offices and in some local bookshops.

It is necessary to remind that Val Grande is a wilderness area, and therefore the trails must be followed with particular caution.

Found 11 results
A story of water
Water and Deforestation
Discovering traces
Following Animal Traces
In the shadow of spruces
The conifer woodland
Duration: 2 h 30 m
Living in the slope
The Rural Civilization
Meeting at the park: on ancient paths... with new eyes
Flora, Fauna, and Geology - Buttogno-Valle del Basso (S. Maria Maggiore)
Stories of stone
The Use of Stone
The breath of history
The Middle Ages and Vogogna
The culture of efforts
The Man-Environment Relationship
The tree man
The beech wood
Trails into nature
of Lower Val Grande
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