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Charter Renewal

In Brussels, on 30 November 2018, nine Italian parks were awarded with the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECSTPA), a quality certification assigned by Europarc, the largest network of European protected areas. At the end of a long participatory process that lasted a year, Europarc recognized the Val Grande National Park the renewal of the quality certification of sustainable tourism, which aims at nature conservation, landscape protection, biodiversity development and of the territories.

At the European Parliament, the President of the Park Massimo Bocci said: "The Charter is like a tapestry made of many pieces of coloured fabric sewn together by the Park; the tapestry we have created represents a park that is sustainable and accessible in a " slow " way, which makes a quality tourist offer grow and helps young people to bet on the territory ".

(photo by: Archivio Parco Nazionale Val Grande)
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