Access forbidden to the path Ponte Casletto-Ponte di Velina-Orfalecchio: clarifications
( Vogogna, 07 August 2012 ) The Park managing authority informs that, due
to the persistent danger, it is forbidden to walk the path Ponte Casletto-Ponte
di Velina-Orfalecchio, according to Ordinance n.24 issued by the Municipality
of San Bernardino Verbano in 1999.
The maintenance of paths connecting Corte Buè to Orfalecchio is regulated
by a Convention between the Park authority and the Val Grande Hikers' Association
(Director's Decree n. 330 of 29/11/2011), whereas path restoration of the
« Val Grande lower way » (P.te Casletto-Orfalecchio-Arca-In la Piana) is
currently being assessed and planned by the Park managing authority together
with the municipalities
of Cossogno and San Bernardino Verbano, the Italian Alpine Club sections
of Eastern Monterosa, and the Val Grande Hikers' Association (Decree n.379
of 28/12/2011).
It is thus possible to walk the A section only (Ompio-Corte Buè-Orfalecchio),
while it is highly recommended not to walk the section Orfalecchio-Arca-In
la Piana because of the trail's danger and uncertainty.