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Access forbidden to the path Ponte Casletto-Ponte di Velina-Orfalecchio: clarifications

( Vogogna, 07 August 2012 )

The Park managing authority informs that, due to the persistent danger, it is forbidden to walk the path Ponte Casletto-Ponte di Velina-Orfalecchio, according to Ordinance n.24 issued by the Municipality of San Bernardino Verbano in 1999.

The maintenance of paths connecting Corte Buè to Orfalecchio is regulated by a Convention between the Park authority and the Val Grande Hikers' Association (Director's Decree n. 330 of 29/11/2011), whereas path restoration of the so-called « Val Grande lower way » (P.te Casletto-Orfalecchio-Arca-In la Piana) is currently being assessed and planned by the Park managing authority together with the municipalities of Cossogno and San Bernardino Verbano, the Italian Alpine Club – sections of Eastern Monterosa, and the Val Grande Hikers' Association (Decree n.379 of 28/12/2011).

It is thus possible to walk the A section only (Ompio-Corte Buè-Orfalecchio), while it is highly recommended not to walk the section Orfalecchio-Arca-In la Piana because of the trail's danger and uncertainty.

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