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Useful Information for Hikers

Attention, please: except in the outer ridge areas, in Val Grande it is almost impossible to use mobile phones

( Vogogna, 29 October 2013 )

Since the Park is a wild and impracticable area, hikers, above all hikers who do not know the valley, should go along the trails - some of which difficult, dangerous and without trail markers - with the greatest caution and led by expert mountain tour guides (Park Official Guides, Mountain Tour Guides, and Certified Naturalistic Tour Guides). It is therefore recommended not to abandon the marked trails.

We also remember that:

  1. It is necessary to study in advance on the topographical map the tour you would like to carry out, adjusting your skills to the chosen itinerary. We recommend to use the updated topographical map Carta Zanetti n. 54 "Parco Nazionale Val Grande" 2nd edition 2005, scale 1:30.000 (you can purchase it at;
  2. Before starting the tour, it is necessary to get information on the weather forecasts by looking at the specific reports, by calling the Swiss Office of Meteorology Tel. 0041-848800162, or Centro Geofisico Prealpino, Tel. 0332-235491, In case of abundant rainfall, there is a high risk of sudden floods of the watercourses!
  3. In case of accidents, call the Emergency Service "118". The Operator will answer and the call will be passed to the groups of the National Mountain and Speleological Rescue Service (prevention remarks in When you call, remember to answer four main questions: who has been injured, how, where, and at what time did the accident occur.
  4. The Park Bivouacs are old huts recovered to offer accommodation. They are unattended structures, always open (except the bivouac Pian Vadà, where it is necessary to previously contact the Park Authority for the keys), all provided with wood-burning stove for heating and cooking. Wood should be used sparingly, thinking about the hikers that will come after you and those using the bivouac during rainy days or in the coldest months. If possible, we also invite you to increase the wood supply collecting branches and trunks you find on the ground in the woodland and bringing them inside the bivouac, in order to guarantee a minimum quantity of dry wood. It is essential to bring sleeping bag, food and (when necessary) water. You will find information on the nearest springs in each bivouac. Since the availability of water depends on the springs flow, it might not be guaranteed.
  5. In Val Grande National Park, animals are protected, do not disturb them. Fishing is allowed, although regulated, since it does not interfere with the trout populations. The regulations can be consulted at the State Corps of Foresters. Flowers are a richness to preserve, so leave them where they are.
  6. Only the residents and land owners, for the local economic activities on which the mountain landscape and economy are based, can pick up mushrooms, berries, and cut timber (for the regulations, please contact the National Forest Service).
No Through Traffic Rules

Along the following trails, no through traffic rules have been issued by the competent institutional body. The Park Authority can only deter hikers from going along these trails.

  1. The Trail from Ponte Casletto to In La Piana is not practicable (Decree issued by the Municipality of San Bernardino Verbano no. 24 of 1999, forbidding to go along the stretch Ponte Casletto-Orfalecchio). The high risk of landslides - above all when it rains - as well as the collapse of some old scaffolds, make this route extremely dangerous. In order to avoid that not well-informed hikers go along the trail, there are notices in four languages informing about the decree and the danger.
  2. A landslide along the trail between Alpe Val Gabbio and Alpe In La Piana (along the traverse Malesco-Premosello Chiovenda) blocks the safe transit. (Decree no. 11 of 2006 of the Municipality of Trontano: transit closed along the stretch of trail interested by the landslide).
Useful Information for Hikers
Useful Information for Hikers
Useful Information for Hikers
Useful Information for Hikers
Useful Information for Hikers
Useful Information for Hikers
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