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Fishing in the Park: fishing permits available

( Vogogna, 29 March 2017 )

We inform that fishing permits ("Tesserini per l'esercizio della pesca") are available in Vogogna at the Park offices (Piazza Pretorio 6, side entrance from Vicolo Santa Marta) and at the headquarters of the Carabinieri command deployed at the Park (Coordinamento Territoriale Carabinieri per l'Ambiente - CTCA), as well as at the Carabinieri Forestry Corps stations in Rovegro, Colloro, and Santa Maria Maggiore, as per Regulation approved by Park President Decree No 5 of 20.03.2013 (and modifications by Park President Decree No 7 of 07.03.2014).

Fees for the purchase of a fishing permit are as follows:

  • Seasonal

- €20 for fishers residing in one of the 13 Park Municipalities (Aurano, Beura Cardezza, Caprezzo, Cossogno, Cursolo Orasso, Intragna, Malesco, Miazzina, Premosello Chiovenda, Trontano, San Bernardino Verbano, Santa Maria Maggiore, Vogogna)
- €40 for fishers not residing in one of the Park Municipalities

  • Daily


- €8/day (the daily permit may be used on any day of the season during which it was purchased; daily permits for 2 or more days may also be purchased)

For information on the Park offices opening hours please call 0324 87540 (Park offices) or 0324 878802 (CTCA Vogogna).

Read more (Italian text)

Fishing in the Park: fishing permits available
Fishing in the Park: fishing permits available
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