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Vigezzo Valley Local Ham

Vigezzo Valley local ham is characterized by its ancient processing method which originally took place also in the Municipality of Trontano, at the mouth of the Valley.
After a period of forty days during which it gets pickled, the pig leg gets smoked with juniper, a very scented and balsamic shrub. During this very important passage, the meat absorbs the aromatic substances sent out by the combustion of the plant.
After a first maturation period, a second smoking takes place. At his point, the aroma of the juniper has been definitively absorbed by the meat which, after a maturation process characterized by the cool mountain air, becomes the Vigezzo Valley Local Ham.

Vigezzo Valley Local Ham
Vigezzo Valley Local Ham
(photo by: Marco Albizzati)
Local ham from Valle Vigezzo
Local ham from Valle Vigezzo
(photo by: Archivio Parco Nazionale Val Grande)
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